Election 2012 – This end, is nigh.

This is it, I’m done, and then some…

Filling your coffers, while workers you lay off struggle to fill their bellies – the deeds of a dishonorable man. #election2012

I don’t believe in demonizing the “opposition”, but demonizing the deserving? I have no problem with that, Mr. Romney. #election2012

Flip-flop, on **everything**, except foreign policy – where there seemed to be an echo… Which candidate do I mean? #election2012

{but Romney looks presidential, so he deserves to win?} {what a strange place is this USA}. #election2012

My messages sponsored by Logic and Sanity, in an insane world. Not affiliated to any party, or candidate, #election2012 http://bit.ly/CGe2012

Oxymoron: “Romney/Ryan” placard, alongside “Support Education” – on the same lawn. #election2012

Separation of church and state – inviolate. Yet each election, one party smears this line {which}. #obama2012 #election2012

Am I the only one who finds the media’s predilection to polls, pathetic? Do they never listen to their hearts? #election2012

Seriously, what do I care that there are so many who rely on others to think for them {AKA VoteAlongPartyLines}? #election2012

The privacy of our homes should remain sacrosanct – without due cause, the government has no place within. #election2012

Lest we forget – the “Patriot Act, 2001, GOP”, obliterate our civil right to privacy, in a foul blow. #election2012

Let me get one thing straight. I am anti-abortion. However, I am Pro-Choice. The two can mix, and be one. #election2012

{steps off pulpit}. Please vote with your conscience & Logic, not with a party. #election2012 My personal views? http://bit.ly/CGe2012

The End.

{Let’s hope for a happy one}

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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