My views, on Election 2012.

My views are my truths, phrased as I see them.  I need to express them, I consider the stakes in this election simply too high to sit by.  The thought of what will befall the people of the USA, should the wrong man win – well, it distresses me gravely.

For my more usual Twitter fare, go here.

OK, I’ll begin by being upfront – I’m an Independent, and consider myself a Liberal Conservative. What I think that means, is elsewhere.

Forgive me my political views, for my intent is to trespass against many, yet if I make but one think… I shall be content.

I’m sick of fractured, divisive politics – I want a centrist candidate who’ll SERVE us all, not their own special interests. #election2012

Please, share YOUR views, not the regurgitated political spew fostered by the mass media. #election2012

Robber Baron: a wealthy, unscrupulous person who profits by pillaging from those with less resources. #election2012

To Cry Wolf: yell the end is nigh! unless you vote for a massive new spending program, no time to think do it right now! #election2012

To Relinquish Responsibility: vote strictly along party lines, let the lunatic fringe dictate how you should think. #election2012

Want a radical republican in office? I don’t. No more than I want a radical democrat. Give me a Centrist – please. #election2012

Despot: one who’ll inflict their delusional beliefs on the citizenry, completely certain “it’s for their own good”. #election2012


The sorry saga, of #Election2012, continues here.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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