Tweets for Posterity 221.

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Few things offend me as much as being assumed “wealthy”. Material wealth does no-one any good, yet it is an almost universal aspiration.

Think about it, before you blurt about it. #thought

Will be away all day, sadly it’ll be for work, not play. You might pass the time today, by visiting

Taking down my website, in order to switch it to a new host. Hopefully without breaking all the links. #risk #later

Let us hope for better tomorrows, for all, not a miniscule minority. #thought

Before action, thought. Before thought, desire. Before desire, displeasure. Before displeasure, distress. Before distress, discomfort.

Discomfort is the harbinger of change, for the comfortable seek only to retain their comfort. #thought

The whispered words, of lackeys, to their lords. Time, methinks, for those who set themselves above, to fall. #thought

{waxing the revolutionary, tonight} #iam

When the only response received is our own voice echoing, perhaps we should stop speaking, and listen. #thought

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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