Tweets for Posterity 415.

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Human Nature at it most base: responding to bigots before you respond to your friends.

Though I understand I’m a slave, I don’t understand who owns me.

Mistaking knowledge for wisdom, is like thinking understanding is acceptance.

Our heart is possibly the only thing that grows each time we give another piece of it away.

My son just received a detention for describing the 2012 economy as, “Shitty.” Apparently, “Crappy” was an acceptable response.

If laws don’t directly address right and wrong, then their purpose is not to serve, but to bind.

Words are the foundation upon which deeds are built.

Where comes the chaos, from within.

To copy is not to create, and to create there is no need to copy.

Love is when you are more than you are together, and less than you are alone.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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