The Home Stretch

A brief note about Malmaxa II – The Pilgrimage.  I’m pleased to say that I’m in the final leg of the race to release the second book in my series.  Well, perhaps less of a race and more of a marathon…

The Pilgrimage was essentially complete when I released Beltamar’s War, or so I thought.  After all it was initially part of the original draft.  On the advice of a literary agent, Amy Hayden of Linn Prentis Literary, who declined to represent me yet managed to inspire me with her rejection, I split the first draft into two novels.  I’m glad I did as it allowed me to focus on cleaning up the first part of the tale – I am quite happy with Beltamar’s War in its current form.

I started working on The Pilgrimage in earnest almost a year ago.  I thought I’d be done with it in a “few months”.  Was I wrong, or what?  Well, that “few months” turned into about a year.  Hopefully it will be time well spent, and I’m looking forward to readers’ comments.

I have just finished working on the artwork for the cover, and I’m doing my last pass through the text now.  I think I’ll release it to Kindle and other eBook formats before the end of the weekend.  But… I have been known to be wrong before, so watch this space for news.

A preview of the cover appears below.

Selene, shortly before she receives her sixth marks.



About C.G.Ayling

Born and raised in a country of five names, a citizen of the world. A thorny old man.
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