Supreme? In what sense?

I am extremely disappointed at the latest evidence that the highest court in the land is far from supreme.  When did they discard their duty to uphold the constitution?  When did they decide to ignore the separation of powers between legislative and judicial?  Does political expediency outweigh their duty to uphold the constitution?  Doesn’t that idiotic mantra, “Three strikes and you’re out”, sound good right about now?

The medical system in the USA is severely broken.  I don’t question this for a heartbeat.  However, the healthcare reform monstrosity, something that will forever remain part of President Obama’s legacy, fails to fix this.

First, Obamacare weighs in at 2700 pages of legalese.  I’m confident it won’t contain any opportunities for misunderstanding – not.  Though I generally don’t like using catch phrases, the name “Obamacare” seems appropriate.  How many pages was the Constitution?  How about the ten commandments?  Or even the entire bible, both old and new testaments?  Cast in that light, 2700 pages seems to be exactly what it is – flagrantly excessive.

However, the single thing that really concerns me is the individual mandate – a clearly unconstitutional law that forces us to pay privately operated healthcare entities insurance premiums.  We are compelled to do so.  We have no choice – we either give our money to these for-profit corporations, or the government punishes us.  This isn’t like other insurances related to fiscal responsibility.  While we can choose not to drive a car, we can’t choose not to live.

Since taxes, by the very definition of the word, go to the government these compulsory insurance premiums are very obviously not a tax.  How the supreme court could choose to think premiums paid to private corporations are taxes…  well, that boggles my mind.  How the supreme court could choose to uphold a bill they openly acknowledge not even bothering to read… again, the mind boggles.

The supreme court (deliberately not capitalized as they are clearly no longer worthy of respect), has shown itself to be far from supreme.  It has aligned itself with the legislative branch for the sake of convenience – not for the sake of right.

I intend to vote for change.  I am distressed my choice in candidates is so abysmally poor.  In the coming election I won’t be voting for a candidate, or a party.  I won’t even be against a candidate, or a party (which might lend some satisfaction).  No, mine will be a vote for no other reason than change.

What a horrible state of affairs must there be to choose the devil you don’t know, over the devil you do?  I think I finally understand why Egyptians, in their small minority, voted the way they did…

They voted against what they had before – they voted for change, terrible though it will be.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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