How Measure You Success?

~ How Measure You Success? ~
By the count of downy feathers
with which you line your nest.
By the plushness of the pillows,
on which you lay your breast.
By the count of coins,
stashed in your hidden chests.
By servants you train to pander,
to your most trivial behest.
By the count of people,
you think you have impressed.
By the loyalties,
you so sorely stress.
By the count of homes you hold,
yet in which you never rest.
By the adversaries you’ve defeated,
and then have laid to rest.
By the count of lovely women,
who you’ve managed to undress.
By the tender delicacies,
that you so voraciously ingest.
By the count of supposed friendships,
put to unnecessary tests.
By levels of anguish imparted,
and your enemies’ distress.
By trivial counts of truly irrelevant things,
you’re certain you possess.
By other people’s woe,
and pleasures purely of the flesh.
How measure I success,
by the living beings,
with whose love I have been blessed.

P.S. Since it holds very powerful religious overtones to which I do not subscribe, I didn’t particularly like the choice of the word “blessed” to end this piece. However, my intent is to condense a couple of thoughts into a single word and it does seem to fit. Thoughts like… joy granted, both given and received, and any form of aid in even the most rudimentary way. Are these not real blessings that even the most materially impoverished can impart and accept? Share blessings without expectation of gain, and receive them gladly with an open heart. Always be generous with your love.

{If you enjoyed this then look around, you’ll find [Samples] to read, and perhaps even some pieces that might be considered poetic.}

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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