Two books for the price of {N}one!

What is Malmaxa?

That is a remarkably difficult question to answer.  Malmaxa is my vision of a perfect world, filled with imperfect people.  Malmaxa is my Philosophy, couched as Epic Fantasy.  Malmaxa isn’t poetry, however a little free form poem I wrote captures a few of its most essential elements.  The poem appears below.  Perhaps it is first proof of my claim that Malmaxa is like nothing you’ve ever read…

~ Malmaxa ~
~ How would a just world be? ~
No rich, and no poor.
No government, and no governed.
No served, and no servants.
No clergy, and no lay.
No owner, and no slave.
No one able to force you to their way.
No one to prevent you having your say.
In two words, no disparity.
A just world might seem harsh.
Death would be an end, and a new start.
Cherished symbols, would be etched in flesh.
There would be war, with no victory.
Neither peon, nor royalty.
Wealth, yet no poverty.
Farmers, but no famished.
A just world is a world where
loving family are all around.
Where to be free, we must be bound.
Where children are safe to play.
Where people may move, or choose to stay.
Where cruelty exists, but is held at bay.
Where none are forced away.
Where character is held in high esteem.
Where we all must fulfill our dream.
Where while lineage means everything,
it means nothing too.
Where we must be who we are,
not who our parents were.
Where coins are bartered,
they are not spent.
Where prophetic dreams,
from the Gods are sent.

A “free” offer.

Is any offer ever really free?  Not in my experience, however the one I’m making here might only cost you your time.  Your time… the most precious commodity any of us possess.

We all like to receive something for nothing, yet on that something we generally place little value.  After all isn’t something we get for nothing too often worth precisely what we paid for it?  Okay, stage set, here is my offer…

Two books, for the price of {N}one.  If you subscribe to Amazon Prime you can check out Beltamar’s War for free, that’s the “none”. Otherwise you have to buy, that’s the “one”.

But that’s only one book!  Why does my offer say two books?  I am quite proud of saying what I mean, and being mean in what I say. {Or is that “meaning what I say”?}  So yes, I do mean two books for the price of {N}one.  How do you get the second book? Simple, by wanting it.  Once you’ve read Beltamar’s War you’ll know if you want to continue reading the tale.  If you do, then all you need to do to get the second book in the series, is ask for it.

And how do you ask for it, you ask?  I’m glad you asked!  Post a review on either Amazon or GoodReads, reply to this thread, and tell me how to find your review.  While I ask you to be as honest as you’re able, I make no stipulations on how you rate the work. Replying here gives me your email address, I’ll check out your review, and I’ll send you a Kindle eBook version of Malmaxa II – The Pilgrimage as soon as it completes the editing phase.  Currently that should to be in August 2014.

Beltamar's War

Amazon Kindle

Beltamar's War


And thus you’ll have two complete books for the price of {N}one!
This offer will expire, so please act now.

As an additional incentive, you’ll also have the second book in the series in your hands for at least 30 days before it becomes accessible to the public.

Still not sold on a potentially zero cost item?  You’re a person after my own heart!  Don’t do anything at all until you decide Malmaxa is for you.  But how can you decide that?  Hop on over to the sample, right here on my blog, and start reading.  The browser you’re using right now is all you need.

However, before you start reading, be warned.

{You knew there had to be a catch, didn’t you? There isn’t.} Malmaxa is not what it seems.  It is complicated.  It is metaphoric.  It is foreign.  It is harsh. It is forgiving, and unforgiving.  It is unique.  Malmaxa is quite literally like nothing else you have ever read.

One of the things I can’t abide is the statement of opinions as facts.  But didn’t I just do that?  I said, “Malmaxa is quite literally like nothing else you have ever read.”  Yes, I stated that as a fact, and yes, I stand behind it.  Read Malmaxa, see the words between the lines, and compare it to any other work of any kind you’ve ever read – you’ll find differences both dramatic and subtle.

Thank you for your time. Should you take me up on this offer, I hope that not only does Malmaxa raise questions worth pondering, but that you also enjoy my literal world. ~ Charles

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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