
~ Memory ~
When we tell things of the past
little details come back,
yet if we never take the time to tell,
those tiny things fall through the cracks,
straight down into hell…
Might hell be where forgotten memories go
there forever
in misery to dwell,
unclaimed thoughts with no Soul
who of them
will proudly tell?
Immortality is naught
save fond memory.
And death, its silent cousin,
is moreso naught,
a forgotten place reserved for those
of character so bland
for good they never
bothered to take a stand.

Every day is another opportunity to secure for ourselves a piece of immortality.  We cannot accomplish this extraordinary feat with force. No amount of money is sufficient to buy a single ticket to Destiny.  Yet every single day opportunity resurrects itself again in hope it will be grasped in both hands. Opportunity awaits the willing, it is there at every turn. It is a chance for you to take a stand and do whatever good you can.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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