Tweets for Posterity 407.

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What a sorry place this world would be, if everyone was the same as me…

The only truth we can know is our own, and if we are intelligent even our truths are subject to change.

Yes, your heart knows the truth your mind denies.

Your heart and soul know the truth, while your mind feeds you on little lies in vain attempt to justify the things it thinks you want.

Reviewers should be revered, not reviled. #review

Kind words are like seeds we harvest, store, and let take root within our heart.

How can the rain understand the river, the sun, the sand, the tear, the cheek down which it flows, the wind, the wall upon which it blows.

“Why do Independent Authors Need Honest Reviews?”

Truth is essential, not superfluous, so why do we insist on wrapping it in unnecessary words.

What we cannot accept we must change, if we cannot believe we must discard, when we cannot speak true we must stay silent.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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