
On one hand we’re required to make an endless series on judgments, yet on the other we face the societal ethic, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

Judgment is such an emotive, contradictory word isn’t it?  Here is a definition of judgment, “the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion:…

So what are we supposed to do?  Let’s consider these contradictions.

Life absolutely requires us to make an almost endless series of judgments, in the form of minor decisions.  We cannot choose to opt out of making these judgments, because if we don’t choose we simply cannot function.  We face judgments constantly, and often without awareness or conscious thought.  Little choices in which we weigh the relative merits and choose.  Should I wear red or blue?  Should I take one lump, or two.  Should I speed up, or slow down?  If this food safe for my family?  Can I afford this?  Should I answer this telephone call or text right away, or can it wait?  Should I read Malmaxa, or go to bed early?  The list is quite literally endless.

Some judgments need to be made, and if we don’t make them someone will suffer for our indecision.  These judgments can be painful, but they must be made for moral, ethical, and safety reasons.  You hear what you know to be a lie.  You witness an assault.   You witness a theft.  You sit on a jury of your peers and have to decide the fate of a proven villain.  Do I spend the remnants of my paycheck buying food for my family, or health insurance?

When you have to judge, don’t be judgmental.

Some judgments are more judgmental than others.  Why don’t we like that person?  Exactly what about their statement angered us?  Does their difference warrant our angst?  Do they stand for something we abhor?  Do we understand them, and perhaps more to the point – do we understand our own reaction to them?

Yes, we have to judge, but before we do, we should try to understand.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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