
You probably don’t realize it, but if you’re a normal person then you’re a victim of racism. Whether your skin is light, or dark, or anywhere in between doesn’t matter a bit, you’re already one of its victims.

So what is racism, anyway? In my opinion, racism is a manifestation of a particularly unpleasant, ugly trait – a trait called greed. Greed comes in many forms. There is greed for money, greed for power, greed for fame. If anything can be quantified, then there are greedy people who want it. Perhaps the essence of greed is how it invariably demands more than its fair share?

But since greed is primarily concerned with quantity, what does it have to do with race? The answer is simple. For anyone to get more than their share, others must get less.

This is the reason the greedy are interested in manipulating our perceptions of race. Who are the greedy? They aren’t the parents of normal people like you and me, they are those we never see yet who subtlety influence our every thought. They are the purveyors of power. They are those who control the mass-media. They are those who decide which fashions we’ll follow, which music plays on the radio, which books we’ll read, which movies we’ll watch, which scandals outrage us and which we ignore, and ultimately it is the hidden purveyors of power that decide who we’ll blame.

You see racism isn’t really about race at all. Racism is about identifying suitable victims for society’s simmering anger.

Deep in our hearts we all know things are not as they should be. The evidence is everywhere and although it is irrefutable, very few of us ever pay it heed. Why? Because the powers that be have distracted us from the truth with irrelevant lies. They have given us a victim to blame for the injustice in the world. They have pointed a finger at someone who is visually different from us and screamed, “It is their fault!

And we have listened.

Racism isn’t about race…

Racism is about having someone easy to identify, and easy to blame.

Racism is a lie that proclaims, “Things aren’t bad because of outrageous privilege for a miniscule minority, things are bad because ‘they’ want to take your job!” Racism, the lie, draws a breath and screams, “Things aren’t bad because 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world, things are bad because ‘they’ are too lazy to work as hard as you!

Racism is nothing more than a distraction from the truth.  The truth is that no variety of human is superior to any other.  The truth is that no matter what color our skin, the blood that flows through our veins is red. The truth is that no human is any more human than any other. And the ultimate truth is that no human is ever any less human than us.

Racism is not new. Racism did not come into existence with the advent of Television, or Radio, or Newspapers, or with any form of mass-media. Racism is as ancient as history. It has existed for as long as humans have held power over other humans. It exists because those in power have always known that to divide is to conquer.

Racism has never been about black versus white. It has never been about pale-skinned Christians versus dark-skinned Islamics. Racism has always been about greed. It has always been a lie designed to distract the average person with an easily identifiable scapegoat on which to heap blame.

If the powerful manage to convince enough people those who differ from them are somehow less, then it is a trivial matter to extend that pseudo-logic to assert that if they are less, then it is just that we should get more. Unfortunately it turns out that though they do indeed get less, we never get more – the ones who get more are invariably the ones in power who originally perpetrated the lie about the dividing difference.

Since time immemorial the powerful have manipulated their citizenry by dehumanizing those they choose to subjugate. People simply do not care as much about those they think are substantially different from themselves. People will ignore horrific deeds, provided those deeds are committed against others who they see as “different”.

Race is probably the easiest difference to identify.

But here’s the kicker. Racism has never really about the differences between “them” and “us”. It has always been about the greed of those in power. Dehumanize them, then either kill them, enslave them, or imprison them. Once one of those objectives is accomplished, the powerful are free to take whatever they want. After all, the dead don’t need land, the enslaved don’t need goods, and the property of the imprisoned is subject to confiscation.

What is the correlation between race and greed?  Nothing!  But if the victims have a different color skin then dehumanizing them in the eyes of society is a trivial matter.

Divide by emphasizing differences, then exploit.

Were Native American tribes massacred because their skin is darker? Or did the colonialists covet their land?

Were the Salem Witch Hunts really about witches? Or were they about people stealing by confiscation?

Did the Nazis murder millions of Jews because of their dark hair and skin? Or did the most powerful Nazis covet the accumulated wealth of the entire Jewish sector?

Does Israel maltreat the Palestinian People because they are Islamic Arabs? Or because a downtrodden people must worry about survival before they think about why they cannot own land in their homeland?

Why was the United States of America so shamefully reluctant to end slavery?  Because black people are only three-fifths of white people?  Or because wealthy slave owners wanted to continue exploiting poor slaves?

Racism has always been about exploiting others. While superficially it might seem to be about color, the equally ugly reality is that it is always about greed.

Racism subtlety proclaims that since they are obviously less than us, it is fair that they should get less than us. Racism subtlety proclaims that since they are beneath us, it is fair they should be relegated to only the jobs that are beneath us.

Racism is not subtle.

There are enormously obvious errors in such thinking…

  • There is only one earth, and we are all its children.
  • There is no us and them, there is only we.

Regardless of skin color, the blood of every human is red. Let us never forget that, and let us never shed red blood to preserve false differences we must be taught exist.

Have you ever had a chance to watch toddlers of different races playing together?  I have, and it is a beautiful thing.  Toddlers are blissfully unaware of their differences.  To toddlers, race is no more a barrier to friendship than language or gender.  When and why do we teach our children the color or their skin, or the shape of their genitals, or the gods of their parents choosing matters more than unity?  Why do we propagate the lie that racism is, and has always been?  Why do we teach our children to be intolerant of differences easily visible to every adult eye, yet which toddlers simply do not see?  Why do we teach our children the content of a person’s character is less important than the color of their skin?  Why do we lie to our own children by following the hidden agendas of the purveyors of power?

Look into your heart, if you’re a racist you’ll soon find signs.  If you do, then the people who taught you to become one are probably your parents.  But don’t stop there for your parent’s don’t own all the blame for instilling the iniquitous evil that racism is in your heart.  Ask yourself who taught the people who taught you?  Once you know where the lie began it becomes easy to see where the lie will end.  With you.  Now.  At this very moment.  Please don’t teach your children the color of their skin matters an iota.

I once said, “Without diversity is doom.”  That statement holds true for all of nature. Humanity is part of nature.

Racism is an abomination no different from slavery. It is time humanity raised a collective voice of outrage and abolished it.

Many find it difficult to envision a world in which race simply does not matter, if you’re one of those then I encourage you to visit a world stripped bare of the trivialities that make humanity act so poorly, of which race is but one.  How?  Simply click this link and start reading now.  It won’t cost you a dime, but it will cost you your time.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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One Response to Racism.

  1. Dave Grigger says:

    as always, beautifully said.

    the more i become aware of the lie, the more desire i have to live in Malmaxa.
    “Another view of true” of which i greatly admire.

    Thank You!

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