On Exhaustion.

So many people are tired, it isn’t just us.

I think that when we’re tired our normal defenses go down.  Some of those defenses are against ourself, and serve to keep our emotions under control. I am yet to decide if the emotional control we constantly exert on our feelings is a good thing. Prevailing common wisdom seems to be that it isn’t, but I don’t think I agree. Those checks to our feelings are there for a reason, and that reason is probably to protect us, which is why we instinctively think of them as our defenses.

Our instincts are our inner voice of truth.   We should listen to that quiet little voice, perhaps especially when it urges us to bite our tongue.

About C.G.Ayling

Musing misuser of words, lover of lyrical literature, author, occasional contrary thoughts. An honorable man’s name, in memoriam.
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2 Responses to On Exhaustion.

  1. Our intuition (instincts) certainly are the communicators of personal inner truths and wisdom and wise people listen to those voices. As a traditional naturopathic, natural health doctor, and from my own personal experience gained along my path, excessive control over all feelings and thoughts not only causes exhaustion, but depression and anger. I see it typically causing mental AND physical burn out, adrenal fatigue and much more with its very subtle quiet development being easily dismissed until all hell breaks loose.

    To your point, I personally believe most of the chatter in our thoughts are simply electrical discharges and they are certainly not the true story of who we are or what we believe. But, as with anything in this human existence, ANYTHING in excess is not good. Controlling too much is not good whether in thought or action. It’s all about balance. I’ve seen incredible patients crash physically and mentally from excessive control.

    Interesting thing about control. We think we control but in reality, is the control controlling us?

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