Tag Archives: dreams

a Dream, a Reality

Dreams often feel like a frightening reality, but the most frightening reality feels like a dream. My eyes open. Don’t know where I am. It is cool. The lights are dim. I’m on a narrow bed with the back raised … Continue reading

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Why do so many fear their dreams? I have read research that indicates people have more nightmares than they have dreams. Personally, I don’t believe it. Why? Because I am a people, and I remember as many of my dreams … Continue reading

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Dream’s Embrace

~ Dream’s Embrace ~ ~ Midnight closes the gates of Awaken, wood nymphs ease from the shadows, in dance, a fleeting glimpse of hidden beauty, granted, as we step over the threshold, into dream’s embrace. Wood nymph, where are you? … Continue reading

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~ Fears ~ My greatest fear is injury, not an injury to me, but to others who I touch in deed, or word, it matters not nor whether the hurt is real, or simply the unheard song, of an unseen … Continue reading

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Another single verse, prompted by a tweet, that was in turn prompted by another tweet. Twitter’s 140 character limitation curtailed it, so below is the “real thing”. ~ Links ~ The bond that binds, is the emptiness between, it can’t … Continue reading

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The gods of what will not be…

The gods of what will not be… ~ The gods of what will not be, they, who who strip the dreams from those as me and thee. Though we gird our dreams in reality, the gods of what will not … Continue reading

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