Category Archives: Heavy Stuff

This is where you’ll find my musing’s about matters, of substance.

Lest We Forget, ICU.

This post covers the surgery to debulk the tumor infringing on my Pituitary gland and the first week thereafter, which I spent in the Intensive Care Unit at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.  If you haven’t read the … Continue reading

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on Uncertainty

Are you aware that men almost never make eye contact with each other, unless they are in a social setting? Why not? Well, to us men it is simply way too overt an aggressive act as direct eye contact between … Continue reading

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on Just War

on Just War. I do not enjoy talking about my Active Duty Army days. In this I’m similar to an overwhelmingly vast majority of former military combatants. Indeed, I feel so strongly about this matter that it is one of … Continue reading

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Wisdom’s Path

Difficulties, are these the names of the stones the pave the path to understanding? Difficulty, these are the large stones with smooth surfaces over which our feet flow, or upon which we stub our toe. Pain, these are the jagged … Continue reading

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Wealth’s Poverty

~ Wealth’s Poverty ~ ~ We lie atop the sacrificial slab, and with our quill, our heart we stab, blood words upon our skin we scribe. Our hope? That others those blood wrought words will read, and from spiritual poverty … Continue reading

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On dé·jà vu

dé·jà vu pronunciation: dāZHä ˈvo͞o noun: déjà vu a feeling of having previously experienced the present situation. dé·jà vu, also known as “Further thoughts on Fate.” I wonder if those who have never experienced Fate are simply too blind to … Continue reading

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On Pre-Destiny

change it does a soul good… Bless is a word I am extremely reluctant to use. If we look on good fortune as blessings, we must also look on ill fortune as curses. Either of those is an implicit acceptance … Continue reading

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Should family come first?

Today is Thanksgiving day.  Thanksgiving is a time of family, both for enjoying the company of your family, and for reflecting on its importance in your life.  It makes me ponder the apparently obvious question of whether family should come … Continue reading

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Negative, turned about, is positive.

How did it come about that society has so indoctrinated us into believing that questioning how things are is “being negative”, while accepting our miserable lot in life is “being positive”? I look at our world, for that is what … Continue reading

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Why am I writing about the current conflict between Israel and Gaza? Because my principles demand I do. Regardless of who you are you aren’t going to enjoy this post, however I assure you it is the truth as I … Continue reading

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A short while ago, I tweeted this. Intergity, when our heart knows right, and we do it, when our heart knows wrong, and we don’t. Before you continue reading, be warned this post contains graphic imagery which might disturb you.  … Continue reading

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The Face, of Evil.

If someone willfully, maliciously, intentionally, and repeatedly deceives, injures, and murders others, we would know them to be evil.  Yet we fail to apply the same rules to corporations as we do to people. We must change our thinking. Judged … Continue reading

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Social Justice.

This post was prompted by a tweet by Candace Brown. It read, “I TIRE of stereotypical stories of us just sittin’ round collecting welfare checks. That is not a ‘black’ problem..its a POVERTY problem” I have long wondered how the … Continue reading

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Black Elks Speaks

“History is written by the victors, not by the vanquished.” Rarely do we have an opportunity to view history from the perspective of the vanquished.  “Black Elks Speaks”, by  John Neihardt, gives us another window through which we may look … Continue reading

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Water, water everywhere, yet only bottles we’ll drink.

Since we’re eating so unhealthy, instead of consuming natural sugar in soda we should be consuming artificial chemicals instead.  Stated like that, it really doesn’t make any kind of sense does it? Sugar is a crop that costs money to … Continue reading

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