Tag Archives: love

on What Matters Most

The thing that matters most in life is love… However here in the first world we are taught that the things that matter most in life are things.  That is so untrue and so shallow, it distresses me to even … Continue reading

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a wish of you

~ a wish of you ~ ~ Was I granted one wish, that wish would be a wish of you… to see you every day and as every day draws to its close, to know I’ll see you on the … Continue reading

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on Tricks, with Time

The most fundamental reward of love given, is how often love is returned. I wonder why it takes us so long to learn lessons like this?  Such are the lessons of life, simple lessons some seem destined never to learn … Continue reading

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on Intangible Love

Something I am fond of saying is this, “Marriage is give and take. You give a lot of love, and you take a lot of shit. And that goes equally for both parties.” Love is a truly magnificent thing which … Continue reading

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Dwelling in the Details

There is an expression which states, “The devil is in the detail.”  In any country chronically obsessed with the letter of the law, this expression is extraordinarily true.  Indeed, perhaps the expression should be updated to reflect current times.  Maybe … Continue reading

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On Misleading Questions

I have often said the only stupid questions are the questions we don’t ask. Does that mean all questions are worthy of answers? Our natural instinct is to assert, “Yes!” However that isn’t true, is it? There are definitely questions … Continue reading

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Is it even possible to feel, let alone love, the same way toward two separate people? Both intuitively and logically, I don’t think it is. No two people are the same. Nor are any two relationships the same.  So believing … Continue reading

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Streams, of Time

Time is an interesting thing.  We spend it without consideration.  We mistakenly think we’re investing time, yet for what return? The reward of time spent is never time gained. Time, something we can never replenish, seeps from our grasp, until … Continue reading

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I love you today.

Rituals are important things, they grant us a sense of peace in a troubled world. One of my favorite rituals is something I share with my wife. Since it means a lot to me, I’m going to share it with … Continue reading

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Faroene is one of the principal Heroes within my literal world, Malmaxa. She is also a Warrior, for within Malmaxa no gender distinction exists in the definition of Hero. On Twitter, someone asked Faroene to “explain to me exactly what … Continue reading

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Love’s Numbers.

~ Love’s Numbers ~ ~ What matters it to you, if I don’t love one, but two? And what matters it to me, if you don’t love two, but three? Should it matter still more, if we don’t love four, … Continue reading

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Time, to write a wrong.

Time past righting a wrong, and this my writing of this wrong, in poetic form. Marriage Equality. Religion’s Organized Refrain. You must believe as we, or heathen will you be. Don’t confuse the faithful with your lies don’t dare to … Continue reading

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