Author Archives: C.G.Ayling
The Nature of Man
Humanity is of a universal nature. Do Eskimos differ from Aboriginals? Are Aboriginals different to Africans? Do Africans differ from Asians? Are Asians different to Arabs? And possibly most telling, are Europeans different to them all? Assuming all you’re considering … Continue reading
Appropriate Language.
My middle daughter has a cat named “Kaiya”, we have a female dog named “Bacon”. After an initially, shall we say …frosty, relationship they are now the best of friends. Anyway, my youngest daughter took Bacon for a walk. On … Continue reading
The Pilgrimage
I am delighted to announce the release, mere moments ago, of the second novel in my Malmaxa series. It has been a tough battle, with multiple things going wrong – yet ultimately making everything right. You see, today is the … Continue reading
Oh what a tangled
web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. As anyone familiar with my posts on various forums will have realized, I love old quotes, and adages. Many of which are contradictory, yet still remain true. In this instance, I … Continue reading
Motivational Delay
Occasionally I wonder about the things that serve to motivate, and those that have the opposite effect. Pressure is one to these things. With me, a little pressure is a motivator, a lot… is not. Likewise for tasks, a few … Continue reading
Much to my chagrin, I am forced to delay the release of the second novel in the Malmaxa series – The Pilgrimage. Unfortunately real life reared its ugly head and resulted in my having to work for 17 unanticipated hours … Continue reading
The Home Stretch
A brief note about Malmaxa II – The Pilgrimage. I’m pleased to say that I’m in the final leg of the race to release the second book in my series. Well, perhaps less of a race and more of a … Continue reading
Perceptions, of Time.
Time is something which fascinates me. You see I don’t believe time actually exists. Yes, we have mechanisms to measure this “thing” very precisely. Almost everything we do is somehow tied to time. Yet there is nothing we can do … Continue reading
Logic vs Medicine
During a conversation with my wife, the topic of routine screening mammograms as a means of prevention of breast cancer came up. I am a logical person and not at all averse to defying conventional wisdom when it flies in … Continue reading
Chosen Soldier
I’m in the process of reading a very interesting book called “Chosen Soldier”, by Dick Couch. It details the selection process and the initial training that goes into the making of a Green Beret. Green Berets are one of the … Continue reading
A glossary? Really?
One of the things I’ve heard, from readers kind enough to give me feedback on Malmaxa, is how complicated some of the words within the tale are. To that end, Malmaxa includes a Glossary – however most never realize it is there … Continue reading
Deadline’s Dawn
A note of good wishes to all the entrants in the Writer’s Voice contest – accept my apologies if I never managed to visit your blog, work got in the way. I don’t recall reading a single bad entry, while … Continue reading
Back home!
I just returned home, after a long, stress filled week away from home. Anyway, sitting in the garage with my two younger kids and my wife {she retires to the garage to smoke – a horrific habit, but at least … Continue reading